My Work

Personal Website

This is my personal website that I built with webflow. I'm continually adding new effects with Javascript widgets and my next project will be working on paralax wih my hero image. I love design and want to take more courses on UX and UI.

image for person webstie webflow
image for kop website

My kid's Preschool Website

This website was passed onto me from a previous board member who orginally designed it using Wixsites. I changed most of the pages layouts and added in a image carousel. I created a new logo and new palette of colors. Another board member worked on the copywrite for the website and I added their words to our layout.

Bachelor's Program in Applied Technology, BYU

I'm finishing up on my newest class, Website Fundamentals which teaches mostly HTML and CSS languages with touches of design. We've worked on this white water rafting page where they taught us everything even how to set up our environments for developing and hosting a website.

image for wwr website